Issue 2021-110
Hamish Kuzminski — On Track... Camel - Every Album, Every Song

Although UK-born author Hamish Kuzminski is currently residing in Frankfurt, Germany, he's not lost his uniquely British sense of humour. It's evident throughout this latest book in Sonicbond's On Track series; although that's not to suggest that he treats his subject in an irreverent manner. He is first-and-foremost a Camel fan but it's the wry observations, along with his intelligent comments, that makes this for me Sonicbond's most enjoyable read thus far.
Following a Foreword by Steve Rothery, a Prologue and Introduction, he introduces each band member in turn in a similar style to my own books on The Moody Blues and The Who. As you would expect, every studio album and song is discussed in detail, with a better than average round-up of live releases towards the end of the book.
Although I don't necessarily concur with Hamish regarding Camel's best and worst offerings, when considering their most creative periods (Mirage (1974) to Rain Dances (1977) and Dust And Dreams (1991) to A Nod And A Wink (2002)) we do agree.
As is now common practice with many of the more recent books from Sonicbond, Hamish includes extracts from previously published articles and interviews but these don't get in the way of his own lucid writing and constructive views which after all, is the prime attraction of these books.
In addition to 143 pages of text (about average for an On Track book) there is the usual 16-page colour section plus black and white pics sprinkled throughout. Also welcome is the author's 'The Ultimate Playlists', although this may hold few surprises for fans of the band.
Reading Camel - Every Album, Every Song, I was reminded that it's been 19 long years since the band's last album, the excellent A Nod and a Wink. One can only hope that guitarist Andrew Latimer and co can get it together again pretty soon and remind us once more why they are justly regarded as one of the truly great and most influential melodic prog bands of all time.